Christmas Math Games (Free Printables)

The best way to keep kids practicing math is to make it fun! Grab these printable Christmas math games and have fun while learning.

Welcome to Day 7 of the 12 Days of Free Christmas Printable Activities. This gift-away is my thank you to all my email subscribers for being a part of the Printable Parents community.


Who says math practice needs to be a worksheet? Don’t get me wrong – there is value in pencil and paper exercises.

But when learning to count or practicing recalling math facts, games are definitely the way to go. Games not only are fun, but they engage your young learner’s attention for a longer amount of time.

So grab some dice, some small pieces, and download these printable Christmas Math Games for preschoolers and early elementary children.

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Three Christmas Math Printables

You’re probably wondering if these Christmas Math Games are going to work for your children. I got you covered. There are games for children from ages 3 to 8 included

In this single pdf file, you’ll get three different printable math games for Christmas:

  • Preschool Christmas Counting Game
  • Christmas Roll and Color Game
  • Christmas Addition Math Facts Board Game

Choose the printable that is best for your child this year. Then save the email for next year when you can use another version for your child.

With all three Christmas printable board games, your child can play alone, or you can play with your child.

Board games are a great opportunity for turn-taking and winning and losing graciously.

Christmas Math Games

These printables are a gift for email subscribers.  Just enter your name and email in the box.

Then check your email. Click the big button and it will open in your web browser.

I know you love to share as much as I do. But these printable math games are for your personal use only. This means you are authorized to use them in your own home or in one classroom.

If you have friends or colleagues who would enjoy these printables, just text them the link to this website.  You can also share this post on Facebook and tag your friends or co-workers.

Supplies for Free Printable Christmas Games

You probably already have the supplies you need for these free printable Christmas games.

The only supplies you need are one die, some small game pieces, and crayons or markers.

Here are our favorites:

Foam Dice

There are several reasons I like using foam dice with these free Christmas math games:

  • They are larger than traditional dice. This means it’s less of a choking hazard.
  • Foam dice don’t get lost as easily due to their larger size.
  • They aren’t noisy compared to regular dice.


I like to use min-erasers for our board game pieces because they are just the right size. Lego pieces or coins would work too!


Washable markers are great for the Count and Color game. You can even tuck these into a Christmas stocking as useful stocking stuffer.

printable Christmas math game on a brown table with a large green foam dice. The board game is white paper with green and red squares and clip art kids.

Using the Christmas Counting Game

The first Christmas math game is a Christmas counting board game.  This is a board game for preschoolers ages 3- 5.

Christmas counting game is really easy to use. To play this game, your child:

  • rolls a die,
  • counts the dots on the die, and
  • moves the correct number of spaces.

The goal for this game is two-part. Your child will learn:

  • Subitizing
  • One-to-one correspondence: your child correctly counts one number for one space.


Subitizing is a fancy math word for a simple concept. It means recognizing a quantity immediately and having a visual understanding of it.

This is critical for children to develop good number sense – the foundation for all math skills. Number sense is a deep conceptual understanding of the value of numbers and how they relate.

One-to-one correspondence

One-to-one correspondence comes after children learn to count. With counting, children just rattle off the numbers.

To count a group of objects correctly, a child needs to give each item its own value of one.

How to Use the Christmas Count then Color Game

This game is meant for preschool and kindergarten-aged children.  It’s similar to the first: your child rolls and counts.

When your child plays the Christmas Count then Color Game, they:

  • roll one die
  • counts the number of dots on the die (subitizes)
  • colors in that amount of squares
  • when you child rolls again, use a different color of crayon or marker.

The first roll pictured above was 3 – so three spaces were colored in with a red marker.

Let’s say the second roll is 5 – use green or blue to color those spaces.

This expands on one-to-one correspondence and helps your child visualize the quantity.

Like the other games, your child can play alone with some supervision from you. It’s a great time to have some early math conversations.

Christmas Math Facts Board Game

This game is geared to early elementary children ages 6-8 years old. It’s important that younger children have developed good number sense prior to learning to add – don’t rush it!

This is how your child plays this game:

  • roll one die
  • count the correct number of spaces
  • say the answer to the math problem

If you play with your child, you can decide how to handle incorrect answers:

  • Go back
  • Skip a turn
  • Say the correct answer and just play as usual.

This addition Christmas math game is so useful for building math fact fluency.

Math Fact Fluency

Children need to have fluency with math facts for a couple of reasons:

  • It makes solving multi-digit addition problems easier
  • When solving word problems, they spend less mental energy on addition and more on understanding what the problem is asking.

Games are the perfect way to build math fact fluency. They are more fun so children are more willing to participate.

The more they practice, the easier it becomes. This is because practice makes it permanent.

More Addition Board Games

If you like this addition Christmas math game, your child will love the addition math facts board games!

It’s a complete set of 27 addition math fact games – you have everything you need to help your child master addition math facts with these board games.

They build skill by gradually adding in facts.  So it starts with simple addition like 1+1. As the levels of games increase, so do the difficulty of facts.

Each board game is also cumulative. It introduces new math facts while reviewing old facts.

This is the fast and most effective way to help your elementary-age child master addition facts.


If you like these Christmas Math games, click on the blue button to share to Facebook. You’ll help other parents out.

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