Long A words with silent E with free printable

Working on Long A Words with Silent E? Grab this free printable CVCE Long A word list to help your child learn. to read and spell.

It’s pretty magical to sit down with a child and see them master new phonics skills.

But when you’re stumped for words – that’s not so magical.

You think, “How hard can it be to come up with words on the spot?!”

It’s really hard. Trust me, I’ve been there more times than I could count!

So read on for a list of Long A Words with Silent E. Plus you can snag a free printable CVCE long a word list, too.

What are words with silent e?

Words with silent e are words that have the letter e at the end. The final silent e doesn’t make or represent a sound. It is silent.

But Silent E has a lot of jobs. You can read more in the blog post Jobs of Silent E.

What is the silent e rule?

When most people refer to the silent e rule, they are really talking about magic e or CVCE Words.

Magic e is when the final silent e makes the other vowel spell its long sound.

Sometimes examples make this easier. Take a long at these word pairs:

  • can and cane
  • hid and hide
  • lob and lobe

In these word pairs the silent e makes the first vowel letter spell its long sounds.

So in the word can, the letter a represents the short a or /a/ sound. In cane, the letter a represents the long a sound or /ā/.

Word List for Long Vowel A with Silent E

You can grab a free printable word list for long vowel a with the silent e. You can also just find many of the words below listed by word families.

This word list printable for CVCE long a words is a gift to email subscribers. Click on the image below. Then just enter your information and it will be sent straight to your inbox.

You’ll also receive my weekly newsletter with literacy tips and deals to help you teach your reader at home (or in the classroom!).

Using the long vowel a word list

I don’t recommend you just give this list to a child to read. There are so many words on this page.

Instead, you can use the word list these ways:

  1. Phonics Notebook
  2. Whiteboard spelling
  3. Build with flashcards

Phonics notebook

Grab a cheap spiral notebook. Use a permanent marker to write “Phonics Notebook” on it.

And just like that, you have an incredible resource for your child to learn to read.

Write 5 or so words on one page. Teach your child how to decode them.

Then you can come back to the same page a few days later. Review those first 5 words. Add 3 more for your child to read.

You can even write sentences with these words in your Phonics Notebook.

Whiteboard spelling

A second way to use the CVCE long a word list is for spelling words. Just give your child. a whiteboard and marker.

Dictate a word to your child. Your child spells it.

If they need more support, ask your child to draw a line for each sound they hear. They might need a reminder about Magic E.

Build with flashcards

My favorite way to teach any skill is with phonics flashcards. It’s a very visual approach that makes children see words as a collection of sounds – not just one unit.

Use the Long A Words with Silent E list to build words for your child to sound out. Mark off words you feel your child has mastered.

There is no need for your child to read all the words. Once you see some mastery of the topic, you can move on

Word Families for Long A Sounds

In you do not need a printable list, you will find a word list for these long a word families:

  • -ace
  • -ade
  • -age
  • -ake
  • -ale
  • -ame
  • -ane
  • -ave

-ace word family

These words are part of the -ace word family:

  • ace,
  • face,
  • lace,
  • mace,
  • pace,
  • race,
  • brace,
  • grace,
  • place,
  • space,
  • trace

-ade word family

This list of words are members of the -ade word family:

  • ade,
  • jade,
  • made,
  • wade,
  • blade,
  • glade,
  • grade,
  • shade,
  • trade

-Age word family

These words are in the -age word family. Please note these words also use soft g and your learner needs to understand that.

  • age,
  • cage,
  • gage,
  • page,
  • rage,
  • sage,
  • wage,
  • stage

-ake word family

The following are CVCE and CCVCE words in the -ake family:

  • bake,
  • cake,
  • fake,
  • Jake,
  • lake,
  • make,
  • quake,
  • rake,
  • sake,
  • take,
  • wake,
  • brake,
  • flake,
  • shake,
  • snake,
  • stake

-ale word family

Looking for words from the -ale family? Find them here:

  • bale,
  • Dale,
  • gale,
  • male,
  • pale,
  • sale,
  • tale,
  • scale,
  • stale,
  • whale

-ame word family

These words belong to the -ame word family

  • came,
  • dame,
  • fame,
  • game,
  • lame,
  • name,
  • same,
  • tame,
  • blame,
  • flame,
  • frame,
  • shame

-ane word family

Words in the -ane word family include:

  • cane,
  • Jane,
  • lane,
  • mane,
  • pane,
  • sane,
  • vane,
  • wane,
  • crane

-ate word family

This word list includes the -ate word family:

  • date,
  • fate,
  • gate,
  • hate,
  • Kate,
  • late,
  • mate,
  • rate,
  • crate,
  • grate,
  • plate,
  • skate,
  • state

-ave word family

Here are some -ave words:

  • cave,
  • gave,
  • pave,
  • rave,
  • save,
  • wave,
  • brave,
  • crave,
  • grave,
  • shave,
  • slave

CVCE + CCVCE Word List with long A

If you don’t need a word list organized by word families, you’ll want to grab the CVCE and CCVCE words list for long A.

It is arranged in alphabetical order and includes many words not listed above.

Long A Words with Silent E Anchor Chart

In the free download, you will also find a Long A Words with Silent E.

long a words with silent e games

Need more resources for long a words with silent e? These long a words with silent e games will make learning time engaging.

SIlent E Box Game

This is my tutor students’ favorite game. It’s the traditional lines and dots game with phonics skills inside.

Your child simply reads a word. They draws a line between two dots. The second player does the same. Whoever draws the fourth line to close the box, gets to color it in .

FInd the Long A Silent E games along with 90+ additional skills in the Printable Parents’ Shop.

Long A CVCE Four in Row

If your child like Connect Four or Tic Tac Toe, they will love this game.

Your child tries to get four in a row. Each time the read a word, they put an X over the word . The goal is to get four in a row in any direction.

Struggling readers love this game because it involves strategy – which is often one of their strongest skills.

Find Phonics Four in a Row in the Printable Parents’ Shop.

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