The Best School Supplies at Target (for distance learning, homeschool, or in person class!)


While this school year is looking very different, you can count on Target for the best school supplies for distance learning, homeschool, or in person class.

Whether your child is doing distance learning, homeschooling, or in-person classes this fall, you’re going to need school supplies.  I popped into Target (hooray!) for the first time since March.

It was totally worth wearing my mask to check out the deals for you. I also snagged several of these items for my own children.

With the recession, I know money is tight for so many parents. Fear about the economy is high,and it is real.  But you can get great deals on the quality products your children need.

Here’s the best news: you can order many these products with Target Drive Up and stay in your car!

I stuck to the things I know that are most commonly needed, and here are the best school supplies at Target.

pin for later!

Best School Supplies Deals

Listen, as a former teacher who worked for a coupon blog for a while, I know both school supplies and deals.  These are both good quality products and very strong deals.

glue stick best school supplies at Target

Elmer’s Glue Sticks, 2 ct – $0.50
It’s cheaper to buy 3 these packs for $1.50 than a 6-pack for $2.49!

Elmer’s white school glue – $0.50

Crayola Crayons, 24 ct – $0.50

Crayola wide tip markers, 10 ct – $0.99

Crayola fine tip markers, 10 ct – $0.99

Crayola colored pencils, 12 ct – $0.99

Fiskars scissors – $1.49

Ticonderoga pencils, unsharpened, 12 ct – $2.19
If you can afford the extra dollar over the Up&Up brand, please do it. Save your teacher’s sanity (or your own).

Expo Markers, 4 ct – $3.49

Up&Up Copier/printer paper, 20 lbs, 500 sheets – $3.99
Don’t pay more than this! This paper is just fine for using in the printer or for drawing and art projects or to send into school for photocopies.

Earbuds – $4.99

Ticonderoga pencils, sharpened, 30 ct – $5.99

Headphones – $9.99
I haven’t used these but the similarly priced ones I have from Amazon have lasted 1-2 school years.

Paw Patrol Lunchbox – $11.99
I‘m planning to have my children make their own lunches the night before to make the school days easier.

Can I get hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes at Target?

My local Target had both hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes (Up&Up brand) in stock.  However, they are not available for Drive Up services.  You need to put your mask on, and go purchase it.

If you’re trying to reduce your exposure to germs, though, consider ordering everything you can with Drive Up, and only heading in for the things you absolutely need.  Your shopping trip with be shorter!

Distance Learning Supplies at Target

If your child is distance learning or homeschooling this year, these are the school supplies I absolutely recommend.  Many of these are also helpful for doing homework!

You can’t order most of these for pick up either, but they are at the front of the store in the Dollar Spot.

Sand Timer – $1

Whether you’re doing a timed math test or need a way to get your child to start a task, sand timers are so helpful

Dry Erase Cubes -$3

These are so useful to turn any practice into a game.  You can write numbers, different letters, sight words and more on them!

Clip Display – $3

I love these for displaying my children’s schoolwork and art projects easily.  It keep my fridge looking neater, and it gives a boundary for how much we can display.

Pocket Chart – $3

These are helpful for developing routines.  You can write your own or cut up the routines in the Ultimate Routines Printable Pack and order them in a way that make sense for your child.

Mini-Erasers – $1

These are so helpful for math for all children.  Preschoolers can count and sort.  Kindergartners through second graders can use them for addition and subtraction. Third through fifth graders can use them for division and multiplication.

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    1. Thanks, Anne & Printable Parents for the great idea to use a sand-timer! I ordered a six-pack on Amazon: 1/2/5/10/20/30. The 1 and 2-minutes will be perfect for my preschooler, and the longer lengths will be great for my school-aged child; especially the 20 minutes for reading. Thanks for all the great tips and tricks in your blogs! ~ Allison, Seattle

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