Thanksgiving Dot Marker Pages

You have a turkey to make and a kid to keep busy. These cute Thanksgiving dot marker pages give your child some screen-free, low-mess fun.

You know how it goes.

You have a to-do list of food prep a mile long. You still need to shower and set the table.

And your child is climbing the walls.

These Thanksgiving Dot Marker worksheets are a great way to buy yourself a little piece and quiet.

Since they include the alphabet, they also build in a little fun learning, too.

So grab these free Thanksgiving Dot Marker Pages, hand them to your child, and finally get that turkey in the oven.

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two thanksgiving dot pages with a turkey with a brown Do-a-Dot markers on a brown table. The text bubble in the corner reads "free" and there is text on an orange rectangle that reads Thanksgiving Dot Marker worksheets

Free Thanksgiving Dot Marker Pages

These free Thanksgiving Dab and Dot Printables have 6 pages:

  • turkey
  • pumpkin pie
  • corn

seven images of dot marker printables for Thanksgiving on a grayish-brown background.

Each printable is in color and in black and white. The dots have capital letters of the alphabet inside.

These free Thanksgiving Dot Marker Pages are sent straight to your email inbox. Simply enter your email address, your name and select whether you are a parent, a teacher, or a teacher who is also a parent. This helps you get the content you like the best.

When you sign up, you’ll also be agreeing to receive the Printable Parents email newsletters. But you’re welcome to unsubscribe at any time.

a white printable worksheet that reads CORN in bubble letters and has a clip art ear of corn. The dots are filled with capital letters. A green and yellow Do a Dot marker lay on the table.

Using Do-a-Dot Printables for Thanksgiving

These Thanksgiving Do-a-Dot Printables have capital letters inside each dot. You can simply allow your child to dab regardless of the alphabet, or you can use it to build this important academic skill.


Use the Do-a-Dot Thanksgiving Printables to expose your child to the alphabet. You can casually mention the letters as your child dots then.


Did you know that preschoolers who know letter names are more likely to be strong readers? Research shows that they only need to know about 18 capital letters and 15 lowercase letters to get the benefit.

So the Thanksgiving Do-a-Dot Printables are a great way to practice letter names. You can say a letter name to your preschooler and have them dot the letter.

Or if your child already has alphabet knowledge, you can let them name the letters as they dab them. The Thanksgiving Dot Marker Pages are a great way to easily practice this skill.


Once your child is in kindergarten, learning the most common letter sound is important. Letter sounds knowledge is a strong predictor of reading success in kindergarten students.

If you’re uncertain about the best sound to use for each letter, check out the free Alphabet Phonics Sounds Chart.

You can use with your child like this:

  • Adult: What letter spells the /k/ sound like cat?
  • Child: C!
  • Adult: Great, dot the letter C.

Each of the printables has a different range of letters on it.

First grade

The Thanksgiving Dot Pages are great for practicing phonemic awareness skills with first-grade and older students.

Isolating, or separating out one sound, is an important reading skill. So you can practice phonemic awareness like this with your child:

  • Adult: What sound do you hear at the beginning of the word “plum?”
  • Child: /p/
  • Adult: Dab the letter that spells the sound /p/.

For vowel sounds, give words with the middle sound representing the vowel:

  • Adult: What sound do you here in the middle of the word “bit?”
  • Child: /i/
  • Adult: Dab the letter that spells the sound /i/.

a white worksheet with a turkey clip art in full color. There are dots on the turkey with capital letters inside and brown Do a Dot Marker next to the Thanksgiving Dot page

Turkey Dot Painting Worksheet

Like the other printables, it’s available in both black and white.  This cute turkey dot painting worksheet has these letters:

  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P

When practicing phonemic awareness with your child, you could say:

  • Dot the letter that spells the first sound in the word jam? (answer: j)
  • Fill in the circle that has the letter that spells the last sounds in the word bike? (answer: k)
  • What’s the middle sound in pot? (answer: o)

Pumpkin Pie Dab and Dot Marker Worksheet

The free Pumpkin Pie Dot worksheet comes in color and black and white.

Another fun way to use these Thanksgiving Dot Marker Printables is to match lowercase letters to the capital letters.

Use dot stickers to write the lowercase letters. Then your child will place the sticker on its corresponding capital letter.

More Dot Marker Worksheets

You’ll find more dot marker worksheets here:

Supplies for Thanksgiving Dab and Dot Worksheets

These are my favorite supplies for the Thanksgiving Printables:

a black and white printable turkey. It has empty white circles filled with brown, yellow, orange, and red ink. Four Do a Dot Markers are next to the Thanksgiving Dot Marker Page

More Thanksgiving Dot Marker Worksheets

If you’re looking for even more Thanksgiving Dot Marker Worksheets, you’re going to want to check out the Complete Dot Marker Printable Pack.

a black and white worksheet with a clip art bear is filled with one inch blank circles. The face of the bear is filled in with brown dot marker ink.

There are printables for many holidays and seasons. It also has tons of other themes like animals, toys, space, garden, weather, and more.

Unlike the free Thanksgiving Dot Pages, it has blank dots and dots filled with the numerals 1-18.

With the blank dots, your toddler can just enjoy dabbing away. You can fill them in by hand with other academics like spelling words or math problems for older children.

The dots with numbers can be used for number recognition or math fact practice. Your child can simply roll dice to dot the correct number.

Please note these worksheets don’t have instructions as they are purposely open-ended.

Sight Word Dab and Dot Worksheets

For children in kindergarten or older, you’ll want to check out the Sight Word Dab and Dot Worksheets.

It has all 220 of the Dolch Sight words. It’s organized by frequency so the most commonly appearing sight words like “the” come first in the squence.

Please note these worksheets don’t come with printed instructions on each page.

CVC Words Dab and Dot Printables

For children in kindergarten or older, check out these CVC Dab and Dot Worksheets.

These worksheets prevent guessing. Your child has to carefully read each word to select the correct one.

They come with visual directions in the top right so early readers can be independent.

Recapping Thanksgiving Dot Marker Pages

Here’s the summary for busy caregivers:

  • You can grab 6 free Thanksgiving Dot Marker Pages (3 in black and white and 3 in color)
  • The dots are filled with the alphabet.
  • Toddlers can simply be exposed to the alphabet.
  • Preschoolers can work on naming letters as they dab the Thanksgiving Dot Marker Printables.
  • Kindergarteners can match lowercase letters to capital letters.
  • They can also dot letters based on the letter sounds.
  • First graders can dot letters based on isolating a sound within a word.
  • If your child likes these dot marker printables, check out the Complete Dot Marker Printables, Sight Word Dab and Dot Printables and the CVC Word Dot Printables.

Free Thanksgiving Dab and Dot Pages

Make sure to grab your free Thanksgiving Dab and Dot Pages today. Your future self with thank you!

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